Egypt’s smallest Governorate, is the country’s premier winter resort (10 c to 24 c) offering a delightful, natural beauty, a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere with a warm and dry climate.


The old High Dam was built by Sir W. Wilcox on behalf of the British authorities in 1898. It is constructed from granite quarried in the Aswan area. The official opening took place in 1902. In the 1960’s, another dam was built by the Egyptian government.

A visit is can also be made to the unfinished obelisk, which gives a great deal of information about how the original builders set about their tasks. The existence of granite in the Aswan area was of particular interest to the ancient pharaohs since it provided them with a ready source of material for their obelisks and temples.


For a delightful excursion, visitors go by sailboat to the small granite islands of the Nile, including the Elephantine and Kitchener (or Botanic) Islands. Also included in the tour is a visit to the Agha Khan Mausoleum, situated on the top of a hill that commands a magnificent view of the Aswan area. It was here that Mohamed Shah Agha Khan, the 48th Imam (born in Karachi, Pakistan in 1877), built a winter home and chose to be buried. He died in 1959 and his wish was carried out. Philae is known as the Temple of Isis.